Solimar Blog

PDF Personal Data Security

PDF Optimization and Cleansing with a Personal Data Security Twist

We have all said it: “Not all PDFs are created equal.” The challenge today is how do you find the right processes to optimize, correct and, in some cases, redact PDF files so that they can either be printed or delivered to an electronic channel?

FONT Doesn’t Have to Be a Four-Letter Word Blog

FONT Doesn’t Have to Be a Four-Letter Word in Your Print Shop

The good news is that “font” doesn’t have to be akin to other four-letter words. In fact, our team here at Solimar Systems has engineered a new solution that will take away many, if not all, of your font woes.

7 Easy Ways to Improve PDF Coming into Your Print Shop

7 Easy Ways to Improve PDF Coming into Your Print Shop

Those that have been around the printing industry know that PDF has really changed the industry. In fact, you might not even remember what it stands for—many consumers just know they get or make PDFs so that they are easier to send and harder to modify.

Dial in Cost Savings by being Lean

Get Lean in 2020: Recapture Hidden Costs in Your Print and Mail Processes

Now is the time for printing and mailing operations to get lean by finding all those processes that haven’t had the chance or time to streamline.


Is Your Print and Digital Production Aligned to PDF File Format Centricity?

Over the years, changing technology, new innovations and a competitive market has impacted how you create and produce communications. It has given rise to many different file formats, especially in the high-volume print space.

#WeAreInThisTogether Blog

Keeping You Connected: Print, Paper and Digital Technology, #WeAreInThisTogether

With many urban centers asking or ordering people to self-isolate in their residences, it is a good reminder of the importance of critical communications: paper, print, and mail.

Don’t Get Handcuffed by Software Services in Your Print and Digital Workflow Environment

Don’t Get Handcuffed by Software Services in Your Print and Digital Workflow Environment

As complex as the print and digital printing space is, there is one thing that is simple…it all takes software to make the printer produce output.

Point A to B Blog

Are Your Print Shop’s Processes in a Desired State?

As providers of print solutions, specifically around the processes it takes to bring a job in to print, manage that job, produce it and prove delivery, helping customers go from a current to a desired state is what we eat, breath and sleep

ReadyPDF PDF Optimizer

PDF Will Never Be the Same and That Is a Good Thing

If you print using PDF, especially for variable data and higher volume applications running to a cutsheet or inkjet press, then you have likely found that not all PDFs are created equal.

Piece Level Tracking Blackboard Blog

Missing the Piece-Level Connection and the Hidden Costs Associated

Knowing where each individual piece is in the production and delivery process is important because of the legal requirements, contracted service level agreements and maintaining your customer’s satisfaction.

Visibility Eye Blog

How Important is Print Shop Visibility for 2020 and Beyond?

One of the pain points we hear a lot and see a lot out in the print and digital communications production and delivery market centers around visibility.

Printers Unite with a Goal to Converge—Thoughts on Expansion Opportunities

Printers Unite with a Goal to Converge—Thoughts on Expansion Opportunities

Here we sit coming into the final moments of 2019; our goals and objectives focused on wrapping up the year and launching into 2020.

Johnson & Quin Interview

Q&A with Manish Haria, CISO & CIO of Johnson & Quin—Their Inkjet Revolution

Solimar caught up with Manish Haria, CISO & CIO of Johnson & Quin to ask him about his leadership in the transition to inkjet and the impact of this technology on their business.

ReadyPDF - PDF Optimization

The Print and Digital Communications World Has Been Waiting for ReadyPDF™

Our latest innovation for our PDF-centric workflow software platform, Chemistry™, allows clients to solve PDF problems with seamless integration.

The Struggle is Real Blog

The Lessons of Semi-Retirement Will Look Good on Your Print Operations

As you continue to step back from the process and take it in, start to think about how software like that at Solimar could help the daily “struggle”.

2019 USPS Promotion

Print and Mail Bills and Statements for First-Class Mail? This Discount is for You

On May 15th, 2019, the United States Postal Service (USPS) opened the gates for organizations to register for their 2019 Personalized Color Transpromo Promotion.

2019 BCC Software’s Information Exchange

BCC Software’s Information Exchange: The Power of Mailing, Peer-to-Peer Learning and Partnership

This August marked another BCC Software Information Exchange; a conference focused on their software users, the mailing market and connection to solutions that will add value.

CRO Adventure Blog

Chief Changes: Are You Ready When Key People in Your Print Production Move On?

As some of you may have heard, I am starting a new adventure into retirement and as I work less and see the world more, I am excited to still be a part of the team as the Relationship Consultant (RC) for Solimar.

Software and Automation Drives Profits for Print and Digital Delivery

Software and Automation Drives Profits for Print and Digital Delivery

It struck us recently that people may still not have a great understanding of why we talk about print and digital file production and delivery—something we often refer to as workflow.

Solimar Summer

Summer Strategies for Your Print and Digital Workflows

Here are some thoughts from within the four walls of Solimar on some strategies to leverage the summer prior to some pretty impactful print and digital delivery events in the fall.

Its A Wrap Blog

It’s a Wrap: Thoughts and Insights from #SolimarUC19

The first week of May 2019 has marked putting another Solimar User Conference and Customer Advisory Council (CAC) meeting in the books.

SOLicast - Solimar Systems Podcast. Information, industry insights and updates at your earlobes.

In Printing, Not All File Transforms Are Created Equal

Join us for this SOLicast recording as we describe the viewpoint our team here at Solimar takes with even the most straightforward transform.

Talk Workflow with Solimar

Why Are We Always Talking About Workflow—Especially in Print?

Workflow is what we want to talk to all of our clients about. With the Solimar Systems Chemistry Platform for print and digital communications, we can positively impact your workflow.

2019 Solimar User Conference Hashtag Blog

#SolimarUC19—A User Conference Your Bottom Line Says You Can’t Miss

What are you doing at the end of April? We hope you will say coming to see the Solimar team, our partners and industry experts at the Solimar User Conference 2019 in beautiful San Diego.

Customer Spotlight - NCP Solutions

Superior Customer Satisfaction Achieved with Solimar Archive Ease-of-Use

NCP Solutions, an OSG Company, recently shared how they used SOLsearcher Enterprise (SSE) and our HSM features to solve one of their customer complaints and do it in record time.