FONT Doesn’t Have to Be a Four-Letter Word in Your Print Shop

If you have had problems with fonts in your digital print environment, then this subject has been tailor-made for you. Especially for all of you that are taking in what customers have told you are “print ready” PDF files. You know the ones we are talking about—those files that seem to take a long time to process, print with poor quality, have missing or distorted font characters or perhaps error prepress or printer processes resulting in no print being produced at all.
The good news is that “font” doesn’t have to be akin to other four-letter words. In fact, our team here at Solimar Systems has engineered a new solution that will take away many, if not all, of your font woes. What’s more is that this comes in a software solution that can be fully automated, lights-out, and easily integrated into current prepress or other processes that your organization performs prior to the actual printing, archiving or other processes.
Let us introduce you to our recently announced ReadyPDF® Prepress Server™. Designed to handle the most complex variable print PDF files, ReadyPDF server is one of the only print workflow solutions on the market that can optimize, cleanse and repair PDF files creating the most optimal file for printing, electronic delivery and archival storage. And one of its market-leading features is the ability to address subset font issues, Type 3 fonts and the ability to replace a font family by loading it into the font library.
Being able to identify and correct these font issues as part of your prepress or file preparation process before printing is not only a time-saver, it is also a cost-saver. Our current customers see lower processing times, printers running at expected or rated speeds and better overall output from their print devices. Imagine less time debugging, less waste and less frustration with the benefits of higher profit margins and the ability to process or take on more work.
We will even put our technology where the fonts are with a free product trial. For midsize to the larger enterprise print shops running PDF print-ready files, you truly have everything to gain from this latest innovation in PDF optimization, cleansing and repair technology. As our Senior Director of Engagement, I invite you to reach out and discover the next generation of PDF optimization.

Jonathan Malone-McGrew
Senior Director, Engagement – Solimar Systems
About the Author
With family roots in the print and digital communications space, Jonathan brings an understanding of client and partner environments, technologies and the resulting challenges. Responsible for partner and client engagement, he is always willing to lend his expertise.
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