Solimar Partners & Industry Affiliations
Industry Affiliations

In partnership with other leading technology companies, Adobe provides Acrobat solutions that help industries streamline processes for increased productivity, accuracy, and profitability

AFP Consortium
The purpose of the AFP Consortium is to develop, define and promote the AFP architecture. It’s goals are to develop AFP as the best-of-breed presentation architecture for monochrome and color production variable-data printing, ensure seamless interoperability of AFP products from the various AFPC members, and to provide for compatibility between AFP environments and other presentation environments such as web/view.

AIIM is the international authority on Enterprise Content Management (ECM), the tools and technologies that capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver content in support of business processes.

CIP4 Organization
The CIP4 Organization is a not-for-profit standards association, whose mission is to foster the adoption of process automation in the printing industry. A global organization with representatives from 31 countries, CIP4’s membership is organizational and boasts a diverse membership that includes printers, prepress companies, publishers, vendors of graphic arts systems and software, integrators, distributors, consultants and educators.

Electronic Document Systems Foundation (EDSF)
EDSF helps the industry and the public benefit from paper and electronic documents, which are continually being transformed by emerging technologies. By fostering education, promoting research, recognizing leaders, encouraging innovation, and garnering and disseminating knowledge, EDSF is building a community of mutual interest and support for document communication.

The Imaging Network Group, Inc. (INg)
The Imaging Network Group, Inc. (INg) is an international non-profit association for the electronic imaging service bureau industry. INg’s charter is to provide an open forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences among industry peers and to provide a focus group for key industry vendor partners to receive feedback on existing products, services, and programs.

Independent Print Industries Association (IPIA)
The Independent Print Industries Association (IPIA) was formed in 1990 as a not-for-profit Trade Association focused on helping its members grow and develop their businesses. Times and technology have changed and continue to do so; the IPIA is constantly evolving and adapting to contemporary market demands.

Inkjet Insight
Inkjet Insight’s mission is to become the most valuable source of unbiased information for companies evaluating and using production inkjet, and then to keep getting better. Top industry analysts combined their resources, creativity and brainpower to take a deeper dive into the world of production inkjet. News is everywhere — hands on experience is hard to find.

Project Peacock
Since 2018, Project Peacock has been on a mission to educate print customers of all kinds on the new technology and tools available to them to create effective, efficient, and award-winning print and print marketing. After meeting with more than 2200 Peacock attendees in their conference rooms and event spaces, Project Peacock has evolved into a platform to continue its mission, and that mission is now global.

Microsoft Certified Partners are independent companies that offer their clients leading-edge technology through consulting, deployment, remote and on-site maintenance, helpdesk support, packaged software applications, hosting services, training, and more. Microsoft Certified Partners encompass a broad range of expertise and vendor affiliations and have experience ranging from networking, e-commerce, collaboration, business intelligence, and other leading edge disciplines.

NACHA Affiliate Program
Through an information-rich forum, the Affiliate Program allows organizations to stay connected with NACHA and the issues and developments that are shaping the ACH Network. Organizations gain inside access to the latest developments in the payments industry.

PDF Association
The PDF Association exists to provide software vendors with information and resources on the various International Standards for PDF to help them make the most of their investment in PDF technology.

Printing United Alliance
PRINTING United Alliance is the new entity borne of the merger between Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) and Printing Industries of America (PIA), and is most comprehensive member-based printing and graphic arts association in the United States.

Two Sides North America
Two Sides North America (originally called Two Sides U.S.) was launched in 2012 with members from the Graphic Communications Industry to create a forum for members to work together and share experiences; improve standards and practices; and maximize customer confidence in our products. Two Sides is a global initiative by companies from the Graphic Communications Industry including forestry, pulp, paper, inks and chemicals, pre-press, press, finishing, publishing, printing, envelopes and postal operators. Our common goal is to promote the sustainability of the Graphics Communications Industry and dispel common environmental misconceptions by providing users with verifiable information on why print and paper is an attractive, practical and sustainable communications medium.

XPLOR International
Xplor International is the worldwide association of users and suppliers of the products and services that create, modify, and deliver customized information using a variety of document technologies. Representing thousands of professionals in over 35 countries, they are engaged in the design, production, and distribution of variable data documents, and are involved in using and developing the technology that supports the document lifecycle: create, capture, store, manage, retrieve, publish, and distribute. Solimar Systems is a Gold Sponsor of Xplor International.