Here's Your Document GPS
Would you like to know exactly where a job is in the production lifecycle? Need to oversee operations from your facilities from the palm of your hand? No problem. SOLitrack is like a GPS system for your documents. It tracks job statuses and current conditions of any and all of your production print workflows. This information can be delivered to your mobile device through SOLitrack Mobile – a customizable web interface. Easily manage your SLA and priority schedules, track job status and monitor printers and other devices. With a preference-based alert and notification system along with custom reporting, SOLitrack Mobile can keep you in the know while you’re on the go!

Job Management at Your Fingertips, Anywhere, Anytime!

Secure login allows users to see only the jobs and devices they have permissions for

Folder structures along with other advanced filtering capabilities allow a user to quickly find jobs in the system

Browse jobs based on job status to quickly monitor SLAs

Workflow progression indicators and job status make tracking jobs easy

Monitor a job's progression as it moves through its assigned workflow

View a job's messages and attributes to stay up-to-date on how it is progressing

Integration with SOLsearcher Enterprise archival solution allow for a quick preview of a job

A built in device view allows users to monitor a device's status and workload

Configurable alert and notification system keeps you up-to-date on jobs, devices, and other system events
With the built-in software automation, the Solimar solution has increased our overall output production by 15%Alvaro Diaz, General Manager AMF Impresion Variable S. A
We were able to reduce our customer project turnaround time by 75%...other automated improvements helped increase our production output by approximately 200%Anthony Fenner, Manager Application Development Apex Information Technologies
SOLitrack System Requirements
- OS: Windows® 10, Windows® 11, Server 2016, Server 2019, Server 2022
- CPU: Current generation Xeon or Intel Core, quad core
- RAM: Minimum: 8 GB
- HDD: 70 MB free disk space for software installation
- NIC: Ethernet network interface supporting the maximum speed of the network, preferably 1 Gb/s or greater
- Additional Software: The latest Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.x (Currently: .NET Framework 4.7.2), Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, IIS if using the SOLitrack Mobile web application
* A USB hub device can be used to increase the number of USB ports. USB ports are not required for any products using machine validation licensing.