Solimar Print Director Enterprise (SPDE) Base System

The Base System software of the Solimar® Print Director™ Enterprise is a series of unique and integrated modules that work together to provide sophisticated print control and job management. Base includes standard core features that all system modules are built upon. This core system includes basic input, emulation, output, and specialized utility modules that provide a powerful GUI queue/spool print management system.

SPDE 3211:;ASCII Module

3211 to ASCII Conversion Module

Converts 3211 line printer data into ASCII data for printing applications on PCL or PostScript printers.

SPDE ASCII::3211 Module

ASCII to 3211 Conversion Module

Converts ASCII text files into 3211 format for printing on BUS/TAG channel attached printers.

SPDE Blocker Module

Blocker Module

Converts data between different blocking formats and provides the flexibility to process computer data that is stored, moved, and copied in a variety of formats.

SPDE Data Converter Module

Data Converter Module

Modifies print jobs at run time, adds signatures, makes data unprintable, or corrects coding errors.

SPDE Disk Spooler Module

Disk Spooler Module

Names and writes files to disk drives for further processing. Data received from any input modules can be spooled to disk.

SPDE File Inserter Module

File Inserter Module

Allows users to insert one file at the beginning or end of a job. This can be useful for inserting DJDEs, form calls, JDE calls,, banner page insertion, etc.

SPDE File Queuer Module

File Queuer Module

Processes and routes the data from specified directories based on configuration requirements.

SPDE Job Separator Module

Job Separator Module

Processes files by reading the data for job routing and control information provided.

SPDE Output Selector Module

Output Selector Module

Provides automated routing of output files to any attached destination device or logical print queue.

SPDE Trash Can Module

Trash Can Module

Commonly used with other modules for page counting, creating printer resources, and temporary files.

SPDE XROCKS Printer Controller Module

XRocks Printer Controller Module

Drives and controls printing with special commands for the Xerox LPS Metacode printers.

SPDE Base System Technical Specifications & Components

  • Reads and writes data from/to files on disk drives
  • ASCII, EBCDIC, PCL, PostScript, PDF, VIPP® and Xerox LCDS/Metacode pass-through
  • Supports an unlimited number of active print queues
  • Allows manual and/or automatic selection and release of files/queues
  • Scans banners and file content for key information to use with job naming/routing
  • Parses jobs based on logical rules and appends file together for bookmaking
  • Supports reprinting, job tracking, and page counting with emulations
  • Distributes output logically and automatically to multiple destinations
  • Prioritizes all host systems and print files in queues
  • Blocks data between multiple formats
  • Generates DJDEs, RSTACKs, and downloads resources
  • Supports full checkpoint restart/stop and file viewing
  • Base System Modules
  • Hardware diagnostic utilities
  • Xerox JSLs
  • User documentation
  • CD ROM with software with online help, tutorials, documentation